We can work together to remove the limits that do not serve you.
So…Talk to me… for You to Be Limitless
By using Hypnosis we are able to talk directly to the absolute best witness to everything you have ever experienced…. Your subconscious mind! That expert witness remembers everything you have seen, heard, touched, felt, and even every smell you’ve ever sniffed! Whether you were awake or asleep, it remembers every fact, every emotion and every feeling!
It remembers every experience, every event, and any other witnesses to those events! And that expert but normally silent witness knows how those experiences and events and emotions lead to each and every belief that you now hold, that you have built up over a lifetime!
Using the incredible tools and techniques of RTT, you and I can let that expert silent witness be our guide, be the detectives and Rapidly find the evidence, so that we can find and understand the Root Causes of whatever issues or problems you have! Anything that is holding you back! Anything that is causing you pain either physical or emotional! Your expert silent witness has all of the answers you need, and together we can give it a voice!
“Understanding is power, and understanding in hypnosis is phenomenal power” Marisa Peer

I’ve never been one for ‘papering over the cracks’…. I want to know why things are cracked, fix the cracks – and only then put the final finish on – because only then is it going to look good – and last!
“You can’t fix what you don’t understand” Marisa Peer
So when we can see and understand the Root Causes, we will be able to work together to understand how the events and experiences of your past created the beliefs you have held ever since! We will be able to work together to understand how those beliefs are affecting you today! And we can then remove and overwrite the beliefs that no longer serve you, and replace them with beliefs that DO serve you. We cannot go back and change the events of the past, but we can TRANSFORM how they are affecting you today!
I cannot guarantee you miracle cures or healing because every client is different! Whilst their issues may be similar in name, their experiences and life stories are each unique! Your story is unique. You are unique. But what I can promise you is that if you work with me and participate fully in your own recovery, I can get you to a far better place than you are in now! The tools and techniques created and pioneered and refined by the incredible Marisa Peer over the last 30 plus years are RAPID, and they are TRANSFORMATIONAL!
Rapid Transformational Therapy does exactly what it says on the tin!
So…. Talk to me. Tell me what you would like help with. And we can work to together to remove your limits that do not serve you – For you to Be Limitless!
By using Hypnotherapy to speak directly to the subconscious mind, the full power of RTT can be brought to bear on the vast majority of emotional and mental health issues, including stress, anxiety, depression, phobias, addiction, grief, imposter syndrome, fear, panic attacks, eating disorders, concentration, memory, guilt, trauma and much more - this pioneering and proven therapy approach offers rapid long lasting results that are in many cases both profound and permanent.
What many people are not aware of - or perhaps haven't appreciated - is that the phenomenal power of the subconscious mind can also be harnessed to positively help with physical issues too ! It has been scientifically proven many times over, that the vast majority of human illness, disease and physical conditions actually have no medical cause for them - They have been created by the human mind - which is actually good news - because if the mind has created it, the mind can make it go away!

I felt totally at ease. What was revealed in my session surprised me. It exceeded my expectations. I awoke with a greater understanding of what was causing issues in my life. I remember saying to Terry “I WASN’T EXPECTING THAT”. It was an experience I will never forget…
After some prompting from family members – who were realising that my anxiety issues were having an increasing impact both on my own life – and theirs, I looked at Hypnotherapy as a possible solution, and found Terry Alexander. From my first dithering contact I felt at ease with his manner and his explanation of how the Rapid Transformational Therapy technique would uncover the root causes of my stress and anxiety issues. He almost knew what I was going to say before I did and his understanding and acceptance of everything I did say was reassuring. The sessions themselves, and the support between, conducted via ZOOM and Telephone meaning no stress in attending appointments, are first rate and it’s definitely working for me. L.C